International Convention Center Durban, 21 November 2008, 11 African journalists present during third Conference of Parties (COP3) held a meeting to put in place and a group of African anti-tobacco journalists.
The main idea behind this meeting was a reflection on the setting up of a framework of African journalists who could enforce the efforts of FCA in their struggle to control tobacco in the world and Africa in particular.
Raphaël KIBAMBE Journalist from the RDC pointed
out that meeting here at COP3 is a unique opportunity for us to form a network
to better relay information on tobacco control to the masses who are the number
one victims of this “killer industry”.
“Tobacco control is not an issue in most of our
countries. There are no statistics of tobacco deaths in our hospitals…difficult
to access information on tobacco, there is no guarantee that our media organs
are 100% determined to crush down the tobacco industry…” says Linda NYONDO from
Zambia. According to her, the idea of setting up such a coalition is very
pertinent as it will enable us to exchange reliable information on tobacco
amongst ourselves.
Discussions turned around the tobacco industry
certain giving “underground subventions” to some media organs in our countries.
This makes it almost impossible for some journalists to place the “rotten fish
on the table” for fear to lose their jobs.
Charles Ligan from Benin insisted on the social
responsibility of journalists. “Journalists from every part of the world have a
fundamental role to play in informing, educating and sensitizing the population
on the effects of tobacco and on the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco
Control…” As an adding to what the others have said, he emphasized on the fact
that this thematic group of journalists will help exchange experiences and
enforce the work of FCA and other anti-tobacco organizations such as the
American Cancer Society, ATCRI etc.
Reflecting on the nature of such a coalition, some suggested the formation
of an executive committee but others held that it is better to start with a
limited secretariat who will be in charge of coordinating the “future”
activities of the coalition. This led to a collective nomination of Tih
Armstrong Ntiabang to coordinate the activities with the assistance of Radha RANGASAMY journalist
from Mauritius Island. Criteria for their nomination were: Bilingualism (French
and English), Initiators of the idea, and willingness to be committed to
coordinate the activities. Charles Ligan
was the third person who appointed to join the two in the coordination of
Below is the vision, global objectives and specific objectives of the
Vision: An Africa informed on the
harmful effects of tobacco and lures of tobacco industries
Global objectives: promote public health through information,
education and communication for behavioral change
Specific Objectives:
Help each other on current tobacco issues (seek advice from experts, )
Support NGOs and other anti-tobacco advocates in Africa in their
communication strategies
Monitor the implementation of the framework convention on tobacco control
in our various countries
Capacity building for journalist in the treatment of information,
information research, publishing on anti tobacco and other related issues
Investigate on the maneuvers (tricks) of tobacco industries
Agglomerate articles, efforts, TV-Radio programmes (communication tools)
produced on anti-tobacco
Offer communication services to organizations willing to relay information
on anti-tobacco e.g. collaborate with existing organizations (FCA, ATCRI, ACS
etc.) in their anti-tobacco efforts
Information exchange amongst ourselves
Equip journalists with the necessary tools for their effective
communication of tobacco control related issues
Charles Dossou LIGAN
Tih Armstrong NTIABANG