The Government has announced a series of measures prohibiting smoking in various places.
Source: Angola Press
– The non compliance with the smoking prohibition in public places,
which was approved last Wednesday by the Angolan government, will imply
fines that vary from 5 to 10 minimum salaries. This
measure covers institutions of central and local administration,
hotels, restaurants, airports, night clubs, telephone booths, train
stations and public toilets, said to the press the director of the
legal department of the Ministry of Public Administration, Employment
and Social Security (MAPESS), Jesus Maiato, on the fringes of the
meeting of the Cabinet Council. According to the decree
of the government, it will only be allowed to smoke in places where the
smoker is alone and therefore he/she will not harm the health of other
people. In restaurants and similar services, as long as
there are conditions, it may be created areas for smokers. No Smoking
signs must be fixed in these establishments. The
inspection of the accomplishment of this legal diploma will be carried
out by the entities which are conferred public authority, namely labour
and trade inspectors, police officers and inspection officials. The
regulation of the Decree will establish the way the services and
inspection officials of the public administration will intervene. Jesus
Maiato underlined the fact that it is the first time the Angolan legal
order releases an instrument that forbids people from smoking in public