The ATCA site is of traditional design but a communication effort one year after the creation of the group. The list of useful links is still quite limited and one hopes it will include blogs (including TCA?). As for the meeting co-organized with IDRC you can find out here about the agenda and how to get invited.
Date: 20, 21 22, April 2010
Venue: Hotel Méridien Président, Dakar, Senegal
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the African
Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA) will be holding a regional consultative
meeting in Dakar Senegal in April 2010. IDRC and ATCA invite African
researchers, tobacco control advocates and government officials
interested in participating in this regional consultative meeting to
submit the following questionnaire in order to be considered for
participation. The information that candidates provide will help IDRC
and ATCA to craft an agenda most responsive to participants’ needs. A
brief description of the meeting as well as the Criteria for Selection
for Participation follows:
Description of the meeting
In early 2010, the African Tobacco Situational Analysis (ATSA)
initiative will hold a final meeting in Africa to share the results of
the country syntheses and country team projects with key African
tobacco control stakeholders and decision makers as well as global
partners. The 18 countries that have participated in the ATSA
Initiative are Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Cameroun, Zambia, Nigeria,
Ghana, South Africa, Mauritius, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Malawi,
Ethiopia, Benin, Togo, Botswana, Mozambique and Uganda.
This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the implications of
the country reports with key African decision makers and global
partners and to discuss plans for future activities and collaborative
opportunities. This meeting will be co-chaired by the African Tobacco
Control Alliance (ATCA) and IDRC/RITC.
Objectives of the meeting
The specific objectives of the meeting are to:
• Present highlights and findings from the original twelve ATSA country
syntheses and team policy projects as well as preliminary findings
resulting from the ATCRI six countries study (ATSA team leaders)
• Present the current situation with respect to the development of
regional activities (ATCA, ATCRI, FCA Africa regional leaders)
• Discuss the implications of the country tobacco control syntheses and
policy work and identify plans for disseminating and using the findings
to build a solid strategy to advance tobacco control efforts in
Sub-Saharan Africa.
• Identify policy priorities for the short-, medium- and longer-term at the national and regional level
• Identify research priorities to support policy objectives
• Identify barriers and ways to overcome them
• Identify the potential sources/mechanism of funding
• Determine roles of international partners in implementing future policy work
Invitees will include:
• One presenter from each of the twelve original ATSA countries and the six ATCRI/ATSA country projects (18 persons)
• Key decision makers from government ministries from the eighteen ATSA
countries (18 people selected by ATCA and ATSA team leaders)
• Key tobacco control stakeholders from other Sub-Saharan countries (30
people selected from applicants who fill in the questionnaire, taking
into consideration an appropriate mix of professional background, a
limit on the number of people from one country, and gender equality)
• Global partners working in Africa (These people – approximately 20
people will be invited and expected to pay their own travel costs.
Gates, ACS, Bloomberg, CDC, World Bank, FCA, DFID, WHO etc.)
English and French interpretation will be provided.
There is no registration fees. The meeting can be attended by
invitation only. If you like to be invited please contact the ATCA
secretariat by email at [email protected]
A full grant will be provided for participants from the 18 ATSA/ATCRI
countries, Key decision makers from government ministries from the
eighteen ATSA/ATCRI countries and Key tobacco control stakeholders from
other Sub-Saharan countries (30 people selected from applicants who
fill in the questionnaire, taking into consideration an appropriate mix
of professional background, a limit on the number of people from one
country, and gender equality).
If you are intendind to apply for a grant, please fill in the following documents and return them to [email protected].
• Questionnaire for selection of participants
• Declaration Regarding Tobacco Industry Relationships