Inoussa Saouna of SOS Tabagisme Niger circulated this press release about a recent evaluation workshop about the situation in Niger. Could we suggest to Inoussa to use his blog? We also could not find a french version of this press release.
Press Release
Evaluation of the implementation of the tobacco control law of Niger:
successes and failures.
SOS Tabagisme Niger, Niamey, January 20th,
After eighteen (18) months under the Tobacco control law in Niger, it
is entitled to make an assessment to identify successes and shortcomings.
SOS Tabagisme-Niger with the support of the International Union against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and the Project "Implementation
of the FCTC in three French-speaking countries: Burkina Faso, Niger
and Chad » has organized a workshop for the valuation of the
implementation of the tobacco control law by January 18th
and 19th, 2010. This workshop has set targets to:
- Review the status of implementation of tobacco control legislation;
- Identify mechanisms
and training to officials responsible for its implementation;
- Discuss and adopt plans and timelines for the development and adoption
of additional texts;
- Identify the authors of drafts;
- Develop plans for communication, information and advocacy for a wide extension of the law.
The workshop brought together representatives of all actors concerned
by the issue of tobacco including:
- The Ministry of Public Health;
- The Ministry of Civil Service and Labor;
- The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and standardization;
- The Ministry of Justice;
- The Ministry of National Education;
- The National police force;
- The Health police;
- The NGO All United Against Cancer (TUCC);
- The Niger Association for the Advancement of Public Health (ANSP);
- The Niger Association of Independent Press Publishers (ANEP);
- The Network of Journalists for Human Rights (RJDH);
- The Union of Niger Private Journalists (UJPN);
- The RODADDH (Network of Organizations for the Defense of Human Rights and Democracy);
- The Union of taxi drivers of Niger (SYCOTAN).
During two days, the participants discussed the successes and failures
of the implementation of the tobacco control law of Niger. Thus, Mr.
Saouna, President of SOS Tabagisme-Niger, in his presentation said that
"the existence of the law itself is a success then political support
for tobacco control activists”. He added that "with regard
to failures, it is mainly the lack of extension of the law, the resignation
of the political authorities, the lack of resources for health
police and the absence of additional texts”.
After the relevant discussions, the workshop noted that the law is respected
more than 80% on the prohibition of advertising and sponsorship. But,
according to the banning of smoking in public places, despite the circulars
of the Ministry of Public Service and Labor, the results are mixed.
Ignorance of the law by citizens and police forces are an obvious cause
of its non-compliance, noted by the participants.
Therefore, recommendations and important resolutions were adopted and
the establishment of two ad hoc work committees. Thus, the workshop
established a Committee for the development of additional texts (decrees
and orders). It is composed of representatives of the Ministries of
Health, Commerce, Justice and Education, representatives of police forces
as well as actors of civil society. This committee will work with the
support of SOS Tabagisme-Niger and will be supported by international
experts. Another Committee was established to develop a communication
plan for a large extension of the law.
Recommendations were made to the governing authorities which include:
- Capacity building (human, material and technical) of the Health Police;
- Creation of focal points for training of officers of law enforcement including police forces and mayors;
- Enlargement of determining violations of the law to labor inspectors and economic police;
- Introduction of graphic
health warnings to be affixed to packages of cigarettes;
- Accelerating the process of finalizing
additional texts;
- Harmonizing the actions of various stakeholders in the fight against
- Mobilization of funds from WHO and other partners to take effective
action against tobacco.
Finally, participants at the workshop made a motion of thanks to the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and welcomed the organization in Niger in September 2010 of the 3rd International French-speaking Conference on Tobacco Control (CIFCOT III).
For the National Executive Bureau,
The President
SAOUNA Inoussa