Each country that signed the FCTC has tu submit regular reports about the way the treaty is implemented. WHO is collecting the reports and making them available on line. Unfortunately the documents are on a pdf format that makes them much less user-friendly. Still it is worth visiting and it would be worth having comments by advocates about their assessment of the situation in their country. For instance I read the report (in French) about Cameroon and I wonder what our friends from Cameroon think about it.
Article 21 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) requires each Party to submit to the Conference of the Parties (COP), through the Convention Secretariat, periodic reports on its implementation of the Convention.
The objective of reporting is to enable Parties to learn from each others’ experience in implementing the WHO FCTC. Parties' reports are also the basis for the review by the COP of the implementation of the Convention.
Parties submit their initial report 2 years after entry into force of the WHO FCTC for that Party, and then every subsequent 3 years, through the reporting instrument adopted by COP, as follows:
- Phase 1 (Group 1 questions) of the reporting instrument: within 2 years of entry into force
- Phase 2 (Group 2 questions) of the reporting instrument: within 5 years of entry into force and
- Phase 3 (Group 3 questions) of the reporting instrument: within 8 years of entry into force