FCA distributed a press release (below) looking at what the priorities should be now that the Framework Convention is 5 years old. Laurent Huber insists about the limited size of the budgets devoted to tobacco control. I am not sure I agree when Bloomberg and Gates have poured hundreds of millions ($500 millions to be precise) to support advocacy. Before asking for more it seems to me one should seriously look at how those millions have been/are used. Until now there has not really been a detailed report/evaluation about the use of those funds.
As far as Africa is concerned there is an evaluation going on about the IDRC programs but who cares about it? Should' nt we look very closely at how those $5.2 millions that represented (by far) the biggest budget even awarded to tobacco control in Africa have been used, especially when two new programs are going to start also with significant funding: $10 millions for WHO and $7 millions for ACS and the "African Consortium". Even spread on 5 years this is not small change.
What did we get out of the 5 millions + given to IDRC to promote tobacco control in Africa? What lessons can be learned from this program? But do we even really want to closely look? Do we want to look at what -eventually- did not work so we don't repeat the same mistakes, so we change what needs to change?
It is tempting (and easy) to continue crying for more money and proclaim we are poorly funded but the reality is that tobacco control advocates (or at least some of them) never have had so much money. What are they doing with it?
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