While the process for applying to the the round 8 of the Bloomberg Initiative and the round 1 of the Consortium is starting TCA thought interesting to compile the grants awarded by the Bloomberg Initiative and the Gates Foundation (via IDRC-ATSA).
Bloomberg + Gates (ATSA) distributed to African organizations $5.130.746: BI allocated $3.457.863 (67,3%) and IDRC-ATSA allocated $1.672.884 (32,6%).
3 countries collected 51.6% of the total (Nigeria, Kenya, Burkina) and the countries/groups funded both by BI and IDRC collected 86%.
Significant amounts of money have been allocated since 2007 when the Bloomberg Initiative started, joined in december 2007 by the Gates Foundation grant to IDRC (but we saw the African groups received only a fraction).
A closer look at the recipients shows that a few countries collect a significant share (more than 50%).
The distribution of funds looks very unequal and many countries/organizations/people are completely left out.
Is this a good thing? Is it acceptable? Are the upcoming rounds going to deliver the same type of results?
TCA thinks those are questions worth considering but who would dare question the present system, suggest more effective and inclusive ways to proceed, better practices?