Francis Ebeh has emailed this precision and posted a form that includes the email address on the ATCA's site. The deadline is August 3, 2010.
Dear colleagues,
Please download the ATCC country grant call for concept notes at the link
Please note that it is a competion and only successful candidates will be called to submit full proposals. Take time to read and understand the call for proposal before submitting your concept notes to the grant committee.
I wish you a good luck.
Best regards.
Ebeh A. Kodjo Fabrice
Executive Secretary
African Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA)
Résidence SITTO, Rue N°10, Imm.203
08 BP 80.925, Lomé-Togo
Secretariat: + 228-251-34-15
Direct: + 228-251-34-16
Fax: +228-251-35-76
Email: [email protected]