Lutgard is Executive Secretary of the Tanzania Tobacco Control Forum. Here is how she tells the story: The WHO WNTD 2010 Award was presented to me yesterday 29th September 2010. It was a very colourful ceremony with more than 250 health experts, development partners and other government officials who had gathered for the Joint Annual Health Sector Review Main Meeting. Family and TTCF members also attended. The Health Minister presented the award after a brief introduction from the WHO country rep.
The report from The Guardian and Lutgard's Acceptance speech.
I was also invited to this morning to the 0600hrs Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) National Television interview programme. One listener requested for my telephone numbers which I did. After the interview, I found more than 30 missed calls and many messages on my phones. Since then, my two phones have not stopped ringing. Lots of congratulations and people from near and far wanting to join the Forum. My assistant and I can hardly handle the many sms coming in, it’s incredible!
Many papers have also reported the event. Copies are on the way.
Picture of Lutgard delivering her acceptance speech