In August we posted on the blog about this grant awarded supposedly in July, but now it does not appear any longer on the Gates Foundation site. What happened?
AUGUST 28, 2011
The Gates Foundation gives $18 million to the Bloomberg Family Foundation with a special emphasis on tobacco control in Africa
Visiting the site of the Gates Foundation for tobacco control projects (scroll on the right to recent grants), I found this information, without any additional detail (for now).
Grantee: Bloomberg Family Foundation
Date: July 2011
Purpose: to reduce tobacco use in low and middle-income countries with priority focus on Africa
Amount: $18,000,000
Term: 2 years and 9 months
Topic: Tobacco
Region Served: Global
Program: Global Health
Grantee Location: New York, New York
Grantee Web site: Not available
Looking for a site I could not find any (yet). Here is the link to I did leave them a message asking for more details.