In a short email message dated December 19, Ebeh Kodjo states that "2012 will not be easy. It will be challenging, annoying, with less money and more demands." Unfortunately he does not provide any hard numbers about ATCA or the Consortium's finances for 2011 or 2012. His apparent pessimism about money seems inconsistent with the information available that seems to point toward increased resources.
Message of Mr. Ebeh Kodjo Fabrice, Executive Secretary of ATCA and Representative of the AFRO region in the FCA Board
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Partners,
Allow me to start by thanking all of you for your work, commitment and professionalism during this year. 2011 was not an easy year but we all worked hard, we did our best (or what we thought was our best) and tried to deliver for the sake of the millions of people suffering because of tobacco. Thank you all, it is a pleasure to know you and an honour to work together!
Usually the closing of the year is a good moment for reflection on what happened in the year and on what lies ahead. I think we all know and can remember our achievements in 2011, and so I would like to look ahead. And I wish to say to you honestly: 2012 will not be easy. It will be challenging, annoying, with less money and more demands; yet hopefully more focus.
2012 is also a critical year. There will be both INB (ITP negotiation) and COP. Development campaign will also be another challenge for 2012. We have just three years to meet the MDG targets. Are we ready to advance and meet the challenges we face?
I think we can do it, but we need to change.
Best regards