As we kept looking for more details about the $32 million grant awarded by the Gates Foundation, we found out the amount awarded to ACBF at the end of text posted on their website under the title Why Africa needs antitobacco interventions, dated June 1, 2015: $8.5+ million. It does not specify what are the 'target countries' nor how the global amount is divided among the programs nor how much goes to its administration.
On August 30th 2014, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation approved a grant of US$ 8,540.407 to the African Capacity Building Foundation. The purpose of the Grant is to strengthen African CSO’s capacity to enable strong and well-implemented Tobacco Control policies across the region, and ensure that CSO’s work is better coordinated and more targeted.
The specific objectives of the Grant are four fold as follows:
(i) Strengthened partnership and coordination for effective TC policy making in Africa;
(ii) Strengthened Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) capacity as effective agents of change to resolve tobacco control barriers in target countries;
(iii) Centre of Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) actively and effectively supporting the implementation of effective tobacco control policies in targeted countries in Africa; and
(iv) Strengthened institutional capacity of the University of Cape Town (UCT) to undertake evidence-based research and provide technical assistance to Governments for effective Tobacco Control.