The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World has awarded two grants to Youth Bridge Inc, a group based in Liberia (I copied the description of the projects below). The Foundation does not directly provide the budget awarded but one can find the details by looking into the 990 forms. Here is what I found:
5/31/18: In depth assessment on the culture of smoking in Liberia: $55,458
10/26/18: bridge grant $10,500
1/2/19: report so a budget of $65,958 for this project.
12/12/18: Framing practical solutions to ending smoking in Liberia: $85,575
no report yet according to A10 page 42
Other references to the Youthhbridge project:
A15 page 53 in depth assessment $86,902
A16 page 57: to be paid: Framing practical solutions $64,181. Does that mean part of the grant has already been paid? is any report available?
According to his Facebook page, the founder of Youth Bridge, Robert Gboluma studied project management at the University of Catania. A bit more information from Youth Bridge website. but no details about what has been achieved in the two projects funded by FSFW. We'll try to learn more by contacting FSFW and Youth Bridge. Stay tuned.
Country profile for Liberia by WHO in 2019 (PDF)
Liberia Wikipedia
Robert's Linkedin account indicates that "Youth Bridge Inc. was established in 2016 as a legal non-profit advocacy organization operating in Liberia. The organization focuses on Evidence-Based Action-Research, Education and Policy advocacy. Youth Bridge has over the past years implemented huge projects with funding from international and national organizations in promoting policy advocacy, action research, and education. Results from Youth Bridge’s research works fuel the development of evidence-based policy engagements and social empowerment activities. We currently operates in Montserrado, Lofa, Bomi, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Margibi and Grand Cape Mount counties .
PROJECT TITLE for Youthbridge Inc
Project 1: Practical solutions to end smoking in Liberia.
Project 2: In-depth assessment of the culture of smoking in Liberia.
Project 1: Assess the attitude of smokers regarding switching from combustible cigarettes to reduced risk products; identify smoking cessation services in post-conflict Liberia; and detail mechanisms put in place by the government to regulate smoking cessation activities.
Project 2: Identify factors leading to the high prevalence of smoking in Liberia, with attention to cultural, financial, and demographic determinants of switching; assess the impact of switching on health, behavior, and finances; and describe best practices for smoking cessation or switching to reduced risk products.