My name is Beatriz Champagne.
I am excited about participating in the COP2 meeting in Bangkok.
But I know many people would like to attend and cannot.
Over the past 10 years my organization, the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, in partnership with activists in various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, has provided networking, training, coaching to tobacco control advocates in this region.
I hope that via this blog, I might help advocates feel a bit closer to
these deliberations, even though they are not physically there.
when I get to Bangkok.
I will post in English and Spanish as you
Greetings from Blogger B.
Estimada Beatriz, personalmente me siento representada por tí y por los demás compañeros que concurrirán a esta COP 2. Ha sido muy enriquecedora la participación en las discusiones previas . Estoy segura que se lograrán los mejores resultados para alcanzar un mundo libre de humo de tabaco lo más pronto y firme posible . Mucha suerte !!!
Posted by: Adriana Menéndez | June 17, 2007 at 01:10 PM