Since the pdf format does not allow you to see right away the content of each bulletin we thought it could be useful to provide you with a list of all the articles published in each Alliance Bulletin during COP2.
You'll also find links to the ones that have been published on this blog.
The Alliance Bulletin #71
Congratulations on a job well done! (p.1)
La CCLAT et les efforts antitabac au Burkina Faso (p.2)
Interferencia de la industria tabacalera: el caso de Peru (p.2)
Free trade and tobacco: a deadly marriage (p.3)
FCTC helps spark progress in Armenia (p.3)
Package warnings: progress continues worldwide (p.4)
Pack warnings: will India "walk the talk" after 4 years of talking? (p.4)
Just a reminder about Article 15 (p.4)
Comprendre et exploiter les documents internes de l'industrie du tabac: une nouvelle base d'accès aux données en français (p.5)
Industry disregards FCTC in Nepal (p.6)
Philip Morris and Japan Tobacco love Thais more than Filipinos (p.6) also on this blog
How Iran got a tobacco control law (p.7)
A note from the Editor (p.7)
Financial resources - what more can be done? (p.8)
The Alliance Bulletin #70 (pdf link)
Important decision on illicit tobacco trade (p.1)
Progress also made on Article 13 (p.1)
It's a's a holiday experience... no, it's just a cigarette brand! (p.2)
Recrudescence de la publicité sur le tabac au Cameroun (p.2)
L'industrie du tabac a de beaux jours au Sénégal si ... (p.2)
Ratificacion e Implementacion del CMCTen la Region Centroamericana (p.3)
Tobacco pack warnings: Vietnam has yet to get it right! (p.4)
Lithunania's need for a strong illicit trade protocol (p.5)
Strike while the iron is hot (in Sri Lanka) (p.5)
Pacific States: Leading the way on FCTC implementation (p.6
En Espana, el sector de la hosteleria impone la ley del tabaco (p.7)
Findings on Secondhand Smoke from United States v. Philip Morris (p.7)
Tracking Committee B Average Morale Personal Morale Vary (p.8)
The Alliance Bulletin #69 (pdf link)
Product Regulation: a tricky task best not left to the tobacco industry (p.1)
Mexico cancela total y deinitivamente su acuedo con la industria tabacalera (p.2) also here
L'industrie du tabac fait son cinéma (p.3)
Tobacco Industry interferes with FCTC implementation: the case of the Philippines (p.4)
How Sri Lanka is progressing (p.5)
Food for thought: Tobacco is not edible and shouldn't be marketed as food (p.6)
How treatment fits into tobacco control (p.6)
¿Cómo se logró que Uruguay cambiara tanto? (p.7) also on this blog
A testimony of success: MK restaurants (p.8)
The Alliance Bulletin #68 (pdf link)
World Customs Organization backs call for protocol (p.1) (also on this blog)
New Zealand may ban cigarette displays (p.2)
Tanzanian FCTC ratification: tobacco farmers to the rescue (p.2)
Con una de cal y otra de arena, avanza Panama en la implementation del CNCP (p.3) also here
Sad news from Portugal (p.4)
Introducing picture based health warnings on cigarette packages in the Caribbean (p.5) (also on this blog)
National 100% smokefree restaurants legislations (p.6)
Au pays des 365 fromages, on respire! (p.7)
Tobacco industry finds ways around Ukrainian law (p.8)
The Alliance Bulletin #67 (pdf link)
What price a protocol? The tax revenue lost from just two smuggled cigarette containers in the EU (Deborah Arnott)
Innovation publicitaire en France (Emmanuelle Beguinot)
Africa must unite (Adeola Akinremi) also on the conference blog
Fighting Big Tobacco in Nigeria sets the pace (Olayinka Oyegbile)
Adopt the Article 8 guidelines for protection from tobacco-smoke (Doug Blanke) also on the conference blog
Argentina queda afuera (Veronica Schoj)
Progress in Nepal (Shanta Lall Mulmi)
Should work on alternatives to tobacco growing continue under the auspices of the COP?
The Alliance Buttletin #66 (pdf link)
Not just another meeting (p.1)
Sociedad civil mexicana reporta (p.2/3)
Packing galore in Malaysia (p.4/5) also on this blog
Le Cameroun, paradis pour BAT? (p.5) also on this blog
England falls in line as the UK goes smokefree (p.6)
Supreme Court Judgement in Canada (p.6)
How inaction in Paraguay on illicit trade is hurting Brazil, in violation of FCTC (p.7)
Fondly remembered: Judy Wilkenfeld (p.8)