The Issue 67 of the Alliance Bulletin is available on line (pdf).
Today's Dirty Ashtray Award goes to "countries who have not paid their voluntary assessed contribution on time. You know who you are. So do we!"
The Orchid Award goes to 'England, for following the lead of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and thereby making the entire United Kingdom smoke-free as of July 1."
In this issue you'll find:
What price a protocol? The tax revenue lost from just two smuggled cigarette containers in the EU (Deborah Arnott)
Innovation publicitaire en France (Emmanuelle Beguinot)
Africa must unite (Adeola Akinremi) also on the conference blog
Fighting Big Tobacco in Nigeria sets the pace (Olayinka Oyegbile)
Adopt the Article 8 guidelines for protection from tobacco-smoke (Doug Blanke) also on the conference blog
Argentina queda afuera (Veronica Schoj)
Progress in Nepal (Shanta Lall Mulmi)
Should work on alternatives to tobacco growing continue under the auspices of the COP?