The Alliance Bulletin #71 is available on line (pdf format).
DIRTY ASHTRAY AWARD: to Switzerland: Become a party and make Geneva smokefree and we'll be more interested in meeting there.
Orchid Award to OLAF the EU anti-fraud office for its offer of significant financial assistance towards the negotiation of the illicit trade protocol. This week a standard has been set for other Parties to follow.
In the The Alliance Bulletin #71 you can also read:
Congratulations on a job well done! (p.1)
La CCLAT et les efforts anatitabac au Burkina Faso (p.2)
Interferencia de la industria tabacalera: el caso de Peru (p.2)
Free trade and tobacco: a deadly marriage (p.3)
FCTC helps spark progress in Armenia (p.3)
Package warnings: progress continues worldwide (p.4)
Pack warnings: will India "walk the talk" after 4 years of talking? (p.4)
Just a reminder about Article 15 (p.4)
Comprendre et exploiter les documents internes de l'industrie du tabac: une nouvelle base d'accès aux données en français (p.5)
Industry disregards FCTC in Nepal (p.6)
Philip Morris and Japan Tobacco love Thais more than Filipinos (p.6)
How Iran got a tobacco control law (p.7)
A note from the Editor (p.7)
Financial resources - what more can be done? (p.8)