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Main | Air America Radio Affiliates Airing EcoTalk »

July 02, 2004



Considering the 3rd house leaders like China and India are also major contributors to pollution, it would be nice if you can consider the diligent and concerted effort by a small Indian company which has been making fuel cell cars for the past few years. Although it does not take you places in terms of horsepower or distance, it sure does promote thought about the environment.
The car is called Reva and the company website is http://www.revaindia.com.


PS: I do find the effort you make to promote the awareness about our environment very inspiring. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

gar smith

Hi Betsy,
I'm the associate editor at Common Ground magazine and I'm looking for a 300dpi portrait of you to possibly go with our story on EcoTalk radio. Haven't found one yet on the Net.

Also, I read your email comments to Victor, our writer, and would like to feature you on my nonprofit investigative website, The-Edge. I like your "print voice" and you've got an inportant perspective on being an innovator in the communications industry.

I'll troll your site to see if you've already written something in this vein. If not, I'd love to encourage you to pen a piece. Since The-Edge is a nonprofit (affiliated with Earth Island Institute, where I edited the Earth Island Journal for 16 years), we can't pay. So I might suggest spinning a personal essay towards AlterNet. I think I've spotted EcoTalk profiled at Grist but I hanker for a personal essay. (Hmm, Newsweek has such a slot, too.)

Vaya con Gaia,
Gar Smith, Associate Editor
Common Ground magazine

Stuart Jennings

Last weekend I heard your show on AirAmerica - via XM Radio, and I was very interested in the story concerning Kimberly-Clark (K-C) cutting down trees in Canada. This is an issue I am concerned with so I went home and researched it. Turns out K-C is very proactive concerning their environmental agenda and practices, I would even say when compared to other paper product producers they are "with-it" when it comes to protecting the environment, or at least one of the lesser evils. That said, it is still wrong to cut down virgin timber in the untouched forest regions of our world just so we can wipe our back-sides comfortably. This all seems to suggest they are justifying this practice by appearing to be good eco-stewards.

At any rate, I was moved to write K-C a letter expressing my concern for the practice and that until they can publicly say they do not use virgin timber, they will be loosing a loyal customer.

If you would like a copy of my letter, I will be more than happy to provide a copy, just e-mail me.
Thank you for your show, it is well needed in these times of cavalier attunes for our environment.


Stuart Jennings
Environmental Scientist


The only thing we are afraid of our the fraud-filled claims that you and Al Gore are eroneously promoting. You folks are a cottage industry that needs to be ashamed of the lies and deceit you are putting on the airwaves and TV !


Jim McCloskey

Please explain the reasons for the global warming that occured after the previous ice ages. The climate has changed continually throughout the earth's geologic history. Mankind is much better off with a warmer climate instead of an ice agw.


Wow...Betsy, you just got your clock cleaned on hannity. And you can't blame this one on anyone but yourself. I appreciate the informed debate that occurs on programs such as this..."informed". It was obvious you didn't do your homework and did not have facts. You couldn't even provide actual facts, you just encouraged all of us to go "find them out".

It just really looked poor. You didn't do your "cause celeb" any justice. You all just have to learn that no matter how you "feel" about it, saying it over and over doesn't make it true.


Congratulations Betsy! This world need to listen to this essential issues. I Just wanted to point at a thing, almost a detail, that i dont like about the programme and surely i am not the only one: please consider to erase the introduction where Bush says how great Betsy is; (u always hear it on internet) I feel its not nice to use his power to help the programme and reach a wider audience.. I am sure Betsy doesnt't need it at all, and its the the symbol of the contrary way.. I just want you to think about it again. Thank you for listening and share your time with us. Marta - Spain.

Nelson Hyde Chick

Like Betsy I was raised on the San Francisco Bay Area, and i am saddened about the rise of Silicon Valley. Tell her it used to be known as The Valley of Heart's Delight. Also, is it true that Santa Clara county has more Superfound sites than any other county in the united States?



I wish to submit an admittedly self-serving piece regarding my product, the Green Diamond Tire (GDT)... the most eco-friendly and environmentally responsible automotive passenger and light truck tire built today. While no article is yet written, given a few guidelines (length, reading level, slant) I would be pleased to pen (key) a piece for your program, or the EcoTalk website.

GDTs may seemingly be a well kept secret however, we have been quietly manufacturing and selling 1,000s of GDTs to environmentally aware consumers for a number of years now. We are a small operation that is proud to be making an positive difference in lessening the impact on our environment and ecology.

A few GDT facts:

Each GDT requires, on average, 7 gallons LESS of fossil fuel to produce than that of a ‘major’ manufacturer’s tire,

For every GDT rolling, there is one less tire clogging a landfill,

GDTs do not damage roadways, reducing 1,000s of metric tons of asphalt dust,

The technology of the GDT is ICELANDIC… where eco-friendliness, awareness and responsibility are most important, and

Scientifically proven, the GDT actually outperforms the very tire from which it is originally manufactured, especially on blackice and snowpack winter conditions.

Yes… I know I should be paying for advertising. And, I promise that as my business expands, I will. For now, my operation is small… running both the internet retail sales and wholesale networking in the western US and Canada.

My website URL is: www.GreenDiamondTire.com. If you read any of the testimonials you will realize that several speak highly of the recycle attribute of this impressive automotive product.

Hope to hear from you… your response will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Rich Gostenik

Green Diamond Tire - West
Green Diamond Tire / E-Commerce

866.380.0009 (toll-free)
303.770.5295 (local)
303.808.7280 (mobile)

[email protected]





Robert J Webb

Hi Betsy!
I was born in Ross and raised in Marin City so I'm familiar with that part of the world!
I don't want to sound as a fatalist would but see if this makes any sence to you.
Ok,as far as the environment goes,it's circling the bowl.
Polar ice caps will not come back.
The only reason "those in the know" want us to believe we have another ten years to do something is so they can continue to set up a system to surpress and eliminate the larger population when we finally realize that we are pass the point of no return.
(You got to admit people are going to be pissed when they find out the very air we breath has been almost destroyed so someone can make a few more bucks!)
As resources dwindle and we work on trying to resusatate a dieing world,they are arming themselves and preparing for the "Armengeddon" they know is about to happen.(I use the Biblical term because it best describes the scope of the battle that will come.)
I know how I must sound.
But please try to understand,I am a Blackman and I live at the bottom of this society.
You have no idea what's going on down here.
Everyday I see the callousness of the Federal Government.
Think about this:why would the Govenor of California(whose name I cannot spell!) spend more money on building prisons than helping schools?Because he knows there is no future for our children.
Forget about the spin you get on the news,there is a real war going on in the inner city and trust me it's coming to your doorstep.
The time has come where,if you aren't one of those people with billions of dollars amassed,tou're just more fodder for the slaughter.

Brad Dean, SURELY Green AC

We're a Green Energy Consulting firm in Brentwood Ca that's looking to entertain strategic relationships with Hybrid car manufacturers (GM,FoRD,TOYOTA). Could you help in bridging this gap in our need.

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