On December 31 we aired Global Warming and you, a recycling of show 68 Listen
77. Methyl-bromide, mercury, PVC and Teflon 12/24/05 Listen
75. Kyoto protocol, protests and cow poop 12/10/05 Listen
74. Climate change, green holidays and grizzlies 12/03/05 Listen
73. Green Gifts, Polluted Air 11/26/05 Listen
72. Forests, Food and Energy 11/19/05 Listen
71. Arctic refuge and clean vehicles 11/12/05 Listen
70. Talkin' trash 11/5/05 Listen
69. Climate Mash 10/29/05 Listen
68. Global warming and you 10/22/05 Listen
67. Energy matters 10/15/05 Listen
66. Driving less? Dams, D Brower Youth Awards, clean coal 10/8/ 05 Listen
65. Green hotels 10/1/05 Listen
64. Post Katrina 9/24/05 Listen
63. A new schedule for EcoTalk: Saturday 12 noon ET 9/24/05
62. About Katrina 9/11/05 Listen
61. Towards the Summit 9/4/05 Listen
60. Drowning New Orleans 9/2/05
59. Best of EcoTalk 2: replay of Toxins in cosmetics 8/28/05 Listen
58. Betsy on Morning Sedition about energy policies 8/25/05 Listen
57. Best of EcoTalk 1: replay of the interview with Riki Ott 8/21/05 Listen
56. America's energy future 8/14/05 Listen
55. About the Sierra Summit 8/7/05 Listen
54. Ocean Directory, bad energy policies 7/31/05 Listen
53. Green Nazis, ExxposeExxon and saving Asian bears 7/24/05 Listen
52. G8 and GW, Cities and climate change, remembering Gaylord Nelson 7/17/05 Listen
51. About the G8 summit with Michael Dorsey and Michel Gelobter 7/10/05 Listen
50. Helen Caldicott and the new nuclear danger 7/3/05 Listen
49. Cars of the future: are we there yet? 6/26/05 Listen
48. Redwood Mary and Teddy Roosevelt IV 6/19/05 Listen
47. Last child in the woods 6/12/05 Listen
46. 4 minutes of Al Gore's speech in San Francisco 6/2/05 Listen
45. Betsy on Air America's Morning Sedition 6/6/05 Listen
44. The greenest cities 6/5/05 Listen
43b Deanna Neil interviews Betsy about EcoTalk
43. World Environment Day 2005 5/29/05 Listen
42. Toxins in cosmetics 5/22/05 Listen
41. Interview with John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton 5/15/05 Listen
40. The answer is in the wind (and the sun) 5/8/05 Listen
39. Environmentalism is not dead 5/1/05 Listen
38. Michael Shellenberger and Adam Werbach 4/24/05 Listen
37. John de Graaf and Joel McEwen 4/17/05 Listen
36. Ronald Wright, Joel Gershon, Gregor Siebock 4/10/05 Listen
35. Greener cars in Canada and green carpets 4/3/05 Listen
34. Interview with Riki Ott 3/25/05 Listen
33. Let's take our heads out of the sand! Listen
32. Artic drilling, auto allaince deceptive ads, more EV1s crushed, more mercury 3/20/05 Listen
31. Stop the crushing, save the EV1s 3/13/05 Listen
30. How green is Ford? 3/6/05 Listen
29. Eco Careers and Verdopolis 2/27/05 Listen
28. 2005 budget and Kyoto 2/20/05 Listen
27. Creative environmental outreach 2/13/05 Listen
Cash cow of Clear Channel 2/10/05
26. Hunter Lovins Sustainable redevelopment 2/6/05 Listen
25. The ecological impact of the Tsunami 1/30/05 Listen
24. Tree people 1/23/05 Listen
23. Arlie Schardt 1/16/05 Listen
22. Green Media 1/9/05 Listen
21. Bill McKibben 1/2/05 Listen