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« Save the EV1s: Test for selective listening | Main | Oil drilling in the National Arctic Refuge »

March 20, 2005


joao soares

Came from Greenpeace.
Report my blog http://bioterra.blogspot.com
Best wishes


The Rainforest Action Network in San Francisco has been running a successful campaign against the Ford Motor Co and their efforts to squash their electric truck program. In fact, April 1st is going to be our 2nd Annual Fossil Fools Day. Hundreds of concerned citizens and over 10 different organizations will be staging events at Ford dealerships around the country. These types of actions are helping to push Detroit towards manufacturing a more energy-efficient vehicle. This is a big opportunity for the environmental movement to show Ford that there is a market for electric vehicles and they must help support this market by continuing to build and sell competitive electric cars for Americans who want to help this country get off our oil dependence.

They've got a website where you can get more info. www.jumpstartford.com

Also checkout www.energyaction.org working to wean us off of our oil addiction.

Betsy Rosenberg

Thanks for the update Japhet and I love the April 1st Fossil Fuels Day angle.Fossil fuels +fossil thinking = disaster! Will try to work that into next week's show. Hope you catch tomorrow's program in which we declare the start of the eco-revolution...960 am between 7 and 8am in the Bay Area.

Ecocentrically yours,

Sunshine Jim

well i've been listening to AAR

for a year streaming on the web

and this is the first time i've

noticed that this show even exists!

i blog on MRR's bloggie every day

and got to AAR's front page frequently.

you never get a mention that i've heard

on the station blurbs. my degree work

has been in resource management and

my activism has been in stream and

salmon enhancement in Oregon. so

i'm delighted you're here and

i'll let some folks know you

exist. typical of environ-

mentalsm country wide eh?

love u all and best

wishes for the show!

Betsy Rosenberg

Thx Sunshine Jim! So glad you've found us and will help spread the word about EcoTalk, radio's best-kept secret. Please also let Air America Radio know they should promote it more - after all, there is NO radio on a dead planet, right?


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