Navis Bermudez, Clean Water Advocate with the Sierra Club in Washington explains how the new mercury regulations are going backwards allowing power plants to continue polluting. LISTEN (7 min)
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Few know that hydrogen fluoride is also a major air pollutant and that America's children are showing signs of fluoride overdose - white spotted, yellow and brown discolored teeth. Some say dental fluorosis is the only outward sign that fluoride is poisoning the body - especially the bones. Fluoride weakens bones.
Most environmentalists are unaware or dis-interested that fluoride chemicals are purposely added to 2/3 of the U.S.'s public water supplies in a failed effort to reduce tooth decay.
The fluoride chemicals used by over 91% of fluoridating communities are silicofluorides - arsenic and lead-laced waste products of phosphate fertilizer manufacturers - never safety tested in animals or humans.
Unlike other industry wastes that wind up in our bodies, the fluoride tap can be turned off by telling your legislators that's what you want them to do.
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
Posted by: nyscof | April 21, 2005 at 05:26 AM