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November 05, 2006


Sharman Kitzis

I recently purchased all new energy saving bulbs from my home. They are an off brand company from Home Depot. After reading the back of the package I find they contain Mercury and have to be recycled by contacting your local recycle company. Can anyone tell me if they all conatin Mercury and are these safe to use???

Jose Pedro naisser.

Message to great Ecologist. Simram Sethi.

The world cries for Lucciano Pavarotti, and september 11, 2001 tragedy, we regretted ourselves also for to Save the Amazonian Forest and for the Earth Planet, the Pavarotti's Spirit and you they can help us to relieve that pain, we needed you now, the tomorrow can be late too much.....



We presently live trough the Era of Information and Knowledge - however, out of 6.4 billion people in our Planet only 1 billion have access to Internet. Our project is to provide it to everyone through Global Recycling. By adopting the Ecological Stamp on global recycling we can recycle 50% of domestically generated garbage and, we cal also save 40% of wasted water . Freshwater which can grant us life survival trough Environmental Education and Planet Citizenship. You have been on of the persons chosen by a Cosmic Awareness and the message shall reach your minds and hearts to help fighting Global Warming . We already of these avatar’s have already been identified : Dr Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, Ban Ki-Moon, Oprah Winfrey, Simram Sethi, HM.Prince Albert of Monaco, Bill Clinton,Robert de Niro, Bono Vox, Andrea Bocelli, Carlos Slim, Lester Brown, Amory Lowins , Steve Fleicheli and Robert F.Kennedy Jr. Ted Turner,Sean Pen, Paul Hawken,Gro Brudtland,Olivia Newton John, Mikahil Gorbachev, Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Nicholas Stern, James Lovelock, Deepack Chopra, Fritjof Capra,Liv Ulmann, Daniele Mitterrand, NGO´s, Universities, Schools,Internet, Channel Television, Newspapers, Magazines. So far, never in the History of Humankind so much information had been accumulated about the menace of a world problem as in the case of Global Warming. From January to mid August refugees of natural disasters moved from 150 million to 400 million people. The United Nations information led us to floods, earthquakes, hurricanes which resulted on thousands of deaths associated to high temperatures in Asia, Europe, United States. The question stands " how to resolve this?" . If I am given a chance to present solutions we can move toward an Intellectual Property value of US,00, trillion dollars, part of the New Creative Economics. It was not a mere coincidence that guided us to find you at IMBD. The message below show you how you can help us change the status quo and save the planet by the Awareness of Consciousness. Let’s join hands together, the time has arrived...




EMAIL. [email protected]


JANUARY 18th, 2007

Global Warming has prompted the BAS - Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, experts to speed up the End of the World Clock, from 23.53 hours to 23.55 hours, equipment which was idle as from 2003. Never – since the end of the Cold War has this clock been so close to 24.00 hours, time which stands for the End of the World and all Humankind. This clock was created in 1947 and it is located in Chicago, an American city.

APRIL,18th, 2007

On April 18th, 2007 the United Nations have ,for the first time, met in order to debate Global Warming when the IPCC experts stated that human beings exert the major pressure on Global Warming . If nothing is done to curb such a pressure the Global Economy will be affected by Natural Catastrophes, Environmental Degradation and pertaining losses will mount to US$330 trillion dollars. Indeed, the biggest tragedy on Earth. Most unfortunately little has been done by Governments to support Dr. Al Gore’s campaign against Global Warming.

AUGUST 15th, 2007

The USA Geophysics Institute registered a mega earthquake that has shaken Peru and the Andes Range – 7.9 on the Richter scale – which resulted on 630 deaths , thousands of wounded ones and billions in material losses. Countries all over the world have offered help and so far USA$700 thousand dollars have arrived from 3 different countries. They homeless lack everything, from homes, clothing, medicine and even water. Most unfortunately the poorest ones had been the ones who mostly suffered because they have lost whatever they had.

AUGUST 15th, 2007.

A Global Economy Tsunami originated in the USA affects the world economy presenting a loss that accounts for more than USA3.5 trillion dollars on their stock market transactions. Fear and panic have led experts to find for a solution but, most of them do not even suspect the Peruvian tragedy. Desperate they ran after lost values on the stock exchange market.

AUGUST, 16th.2007.

A brave and courageous attitude took place in New Orleans when the world recalled the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley – his daughter Lisa Marie Presley made a videotape ( directed by Tony Kaye) where she sang a duet with her father thanks to a technical assemblage from old films. Lisa who had been there in 2005 had decided that this video would be in honor of the Katrina Hurricane victims. She pleads to world to hold hands together and provide mutual help.

AUGUST, 16th, 2007.

Leonardo DiCaprio the great Hollywood actor launches a report on Climate Change. “The 11th Hour", directed by the Conner’s sisters - Leila and Nadia, and 70 scientists, specially your friend Kenny Ausubel founder to NGO. Bionners.Org. It meant to show the world the need to help fight Global Warming , as Dr Gore had done with “ An Inconvenient Truth “. It does not matter where some say the problem is real or whether we are hypocritical or even we omit ourselves. Whatever it is said, it requires to move away from speeches and get things done by carrying out pragmatic actions, as put by the artist and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio. Referring to another moment of American History when the Marshall Plan had redone the European Economy, To Great Artist and Ecologist, Leonardo DiCaprio requests the world to join hands together to Save the Planet.

AUGUST, 17th, 2007.

Jose Pedro Naisser, a Brazilian ecologist and humanist, challenges the world just as historically Archimedes had challenged Humankind by requesting for a lever and an opportunity to move the world. Though we live in different times we also request for an opportunity to talk about our project : The “ Consciousness Awareness” which along with people who impact decisions, show business people, celebrities, scientists, billionaires or millionaires, humanists, writers, teachers, children’s, politicians, schools, universities, NGO´s, Midia (newspaper, magazines, TV’s and internet) could implement Alvin and Heidi Toffler´s, Third Wave , The Era of Knowledge and Technologies, to then put into action the Fourth Wave : Consciousness Awareness and Planetary Sustainability . Only the revolution of information and its spread and assimilation can save the planet Earth – where knowledge and a super creative economy to be permeated through the 500 major enterprises in the world can provide the necessary foundation to build up a structure on Planet Sustainability. It is possible and we can make it feasible to set a new NORTH TO HUMANKIND– mainly with the American Y Generation pursuing a cause to keep the planet Earth . It is known that the industry of Compact discs, DVDs and Games recover today just about 20% of their investment – however we can forecast an 80% payback as the final product is commercialized throughout the world. The Y Generation can make true the Flower Generation (60´s) dream of saving the world. To initiate our project we have to put together the kind of people we have just mentioned and they shall give their testimony on The Great Book which is meant to be published in the Americas, in the European Union and Asia. From East to West. It is meant to be reached by all just like the Bible, the Coram, the Tora, the book of Krishna, the Red Book of China have been. It is meant to be anxiously expected as much as Harry Potter´s past an present editions . With the help of The United Nations we shall have it available in all schools, universities, churches, religious temples – to fulfill the UN, GOALS OF THE MILLENNIUN ; The Global Compact to Program, UN , FAO, UNICEF, UNHCR, recommended actions. The aim is also to put and end to wars, terror, urban violence, hunger and, least but not last Life and Nature Degradation. For that purpose we must adopt the Non-violence principles of Mahatma Gandhi, pursue the dream of Martin Luther King , Jacques Cousteau’s and determination to fight for Preservation, courage, determination and solidarity to Lucciano Pavarotty, rocked by “ Imagine” of John Lennon . Former key politicians must dedicate their time to the cause.

To testify on this Truth I mention our meeting with Dr Al Gore on October 17th, 2006, in 17.10 hours in Sao Paulo Brazil. By accessing www.google.com, and www.yahoo.com (portal 818) you may certify about the Cosmic Consciousness and the Wish for a single God, the Lord of The Universe , incorporating the Cosmic Word. Somehow we have to stop dreaming to put things into action. The time has arrived for the great change and if I am granted a chance to show this to people who care , they shall come round our ideas to save the Planet.





CURITIBA. PR BRASIL. PHONE 55 41 3357 4370

EMAIL. [email protected]

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