Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Good Will Hunting, and An Inconvenient Truth Producer Lawrence Bender stops by to talk about his 21st nomination for an Academy Award, and why his global warming movie was more controversial than the ultra-violent flicks he's made in the past. Lawrence is also one of the prime movers and shakers behind the 18 Seconds campaign to get people to set aside 18 seconds of their time to screw in a Compact Flourescent Lightbulb, the gateway drug that will get them hooked on energy conservation: "Naturally you're gonna feel good. So you start to think, 'What else can I do?'" PART ONE (11 min) PART TWO (7 min)
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Yah-hey...spend more, get poor lighting, pollute land fills with Flourescent waste.
The real solution...Nuclear power plants.
Wake up morons.
Posted by: Larry Driever | March 13, 2007 at 10:31 PM
Don't be so naive. How many offices industries have used Fluorescent bulbs for decades...
The only morons are the ones criticizing the need for change.
Posted by: Jonathon Harris | March 15, 2007 at 01:37 PM