Maybe you would like to take a look (and listen) at our previous shows aired since January 7.
To help you navigate 14 shows, 59 segments and 8+ hours of programs, you'll find below a chronological list of all the segments.
If you want to listen to the whole show the easiest way is to go to the archives maintained by Air America Radio Place (thanks a million Bob!).
If you only want to listen to a specific segment within a show, note a name to identify the show and use the search function on the right side of our home page just under Betsy's picture :)
You can also note the date and use the monthly archives, right under the search feature. Pick up the month the show was aired and with a click you can scroll down and find the show you are looking for among the segments aired that month.
There is also a list for the shows aired in 2005 and the shows aired in 2004.
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