At todays session on "The future of Smoking Cessation" (chaired by Jaques Cornuz) there was a fascinating presentation of new data from a Swiss trial of a new nicotine vaccine. The results were consistent with the few previous vaccine trials in demonstrating a significant effect of the vaccine in helping smokers quit (versus placebo vaccine). However, the effect was no better than existing medicines (eg NRT).
Subsequent analyses showed that the effect on smoking was limited to those participants who had a good antibody response to the vaccine. This line of research will clearly continue and the vaccine methods will be refined. Personally Im sceptical that a nicotine vaccine will have much impact - partly because the results so far have not been earth-shattering, but largely because I don't see many smokers going to their doctor for a series of 2-5 injections to help them stop smoking. Its certainly a thought provoking concept.