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Saturday, October 06, 2007



It is true that tobacco like other products such as alcohol, sugar, chocklate, butter, biff and so on are not risk free! Why do some people talking very negative against snus? Is politics or just for fun to punish snus consumers?


There's also a historic tobacco alternative that is once again growing in popularity - nasal snuff.

Snuff users are on the increase not only in the UK, but World wide. I think partly due to the recent 'smoking in enclosed premises' legislation that came into force over the last year or so.

I do however think it's ridiculous that smokers can't be given the facts on changing over to snuff and/or snus by the governments within the EU.

Fortunately 'Smokeless New Zealand' has a great website, on which they discuss viable 'less harmful' tobacco user alternatives to cigarette smoking with the people of New Zealand

It's almost as if the big pharmaceuticals have taken over from cigarette companies with them having the 'ear' of governments in monopolising NRT products.

Let's face it, many people quit NRT products because they become addicted to them and they wind up being as expensive as smoking cigarettes...

Why not give them a less harmful alternative NRT that is also cheaper.


I'm making the transition from smokes to snus. Feel free to check out my blog about it.

video surveillance

Nicotine adicts have the problem that, there's not a different way to get it from another form than cigarrettes.. it is harmful and risks are for everyone around that person.

Fire Detection

I think smoking should be band from everywhere because is harmful and al what it do is just sick people is crazy how people still gettingsick and dyieng from this just unbeleiveble.

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