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Friday, November 16, 2007


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Maybe, with graphic warnings of all danger youth will avoid this habit that will be killins 1.6 billion people by 2025!!

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I read about the Conference and it resulted a success. It was really enlightening, especially for a smoker like I am. thank you so much.

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it was great.nice post!

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After reading what happened with the graphic warning and how it took about two years, I am happy to see that they finally accepted. It shows that things can be done, as long as we don't give up on them.

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Betraktelig, er stillingen i realiteten størst på dette bemerkelsesverdig emnet. Jeg er enig med dine konklusjoner og vil ivrig ser frem til ditt neste oppdateringer. Sier cheers vil ikke bare være tilstrekkelig, for den fantastiske klarhet i det du skriver. Jeg vil umiddelbart ta tak i rss-feed til å bo do om eventuelle oppdateringer!

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