The number of items posted into our multimedia center does not
correspond to all the work done because a significant number of videos
cannot be posted into our galleries.
Mostly because they cannot be captured or the files are too big: what
should we do? Should we forget about them? I don't think so I think we
provide a very sueful service to our members by mentioning them within
our blog ( and giving the urls where they can be
Of course in terms of traffic I would prefer to send them to our albums
but I don't have this option now so I am also sending people to other
sites where they can see other antismoking videos they probably would
not have seen without us telling them about it :)
It is very important for the credibility of a site to send people
elsewhere as well as on our own sites. It is that way that one can
truly become a reference site (i think).
I also would like to mention that the situation can evolve. For
instance, today I visited the site for the Partnership for a healthy
Mississipi where I found a bundle of TV ads but in a format I could not
copy. I was disappointed but I refered to them anyway in a post to be
published later this week.
A few minutes later, while digging a little more I found a parallel
site where the TV ads were in a format I can copy so that's about 10
new ads for the GLK library (when I find the time to upload them).
But it is still important to refer to the original sites that contain
additional info about those campaigns...:)
Sorry to bug you with more explanation but there is significantly more than the number of new items in the multimedia center...
Take care
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