Posts by Jackie Tumwine (May 2d): 33 (most recent April 25)
Posts by Francisco Cabo (May 2d, 2007): 21 (most recent April 30)
Posts by Pascal Bogui (May 2d): 12 (most recent April 2d)
Posts by Véronique Le Clézio (May 2d 2007): 5 (most recent April 4)
Posts by Adeola Akinremi (May 2d): 3 9most recent February 19)
Posts for the blog African News/Nouvelles d'Afrique (May 2d) : 28 (most recent April 18)
Posts by Jackie Tumwine (May 2d): 33
Uganda Cabinet Approves Ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (April 25)
McGruder honored for tobacco control work in West Africa
Cameroon: British American Tobacco gives out University Scholarships
Join the Global Smokefree Partnership Campaign: Global Voices for a Smokefree World
African parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control plan treaty implementation
South Africa Adopts Stronger Tobacco Legislation
Does tobacco empower the African woman?
South African Parliament begins deliberations on Tobacco Bill
Tanzania voices support for tobacco crop alternatives
Coming up: FCTC Public Hearing on tobacco crop alternatives
Amending South Africa’s Tobacco Control Law
Zambia hikes tobacco taxes.
Large, graphic cigarette warnings work
Congo Ratifies the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Tanzania Parliament Votes to Ratify the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Planned World Cancer Day activities in Africa
"Today's Children. Tomorrow's World."
France joins smokefree Europe. How smokefree is Africa?
Rendez-vous with Jackie Tumwine
1st African Conference on Tobacco or Health- lessons and resolutions
University Scholarships latest in BAT Rwanda CSR stunt
Tobacco Control and the New WHO Director-General
Coming up-the 1st African Conference on Tobacco or Health (ACTH)
About Jackie and HERO-Uganda
Why this blog?
Highlights of the 13th World Conference on Tobacco or Health
AFRICA- A Target of The Tobacco Industry
International Women's Day -Tobacco & Women's Rights Violation
Uganda-Local Council Chief Arrested Over Smoking
Its Been Two Years- Uganda Must Ratify the FCTC
Smoke-free Uruguay -Congratulations!
What do FCTC COP1 decisions mean to Africa?
Posts by Pascal Blogui (May 2d): 12
Présentations Africaines lors du congrès de pneumologie de langue française
Au Congrès de pneumologie de langue française
Publicité agressive en faveur de la cigarette à Abidjan: mythe ou réalité?
Au bord de l'autoroute
Au Stade
La publicité ne vise pas les jeunes?
En arrivant ou en partant...
Encore des panneaux... beauté ou tabac?
Un panneau bien situé
La visite est terminée: Avez-vous des idées?
Rendez-vous avec Pascal BOGUI
Cigarettiers en Afrique
Posts by Francisco Cabo (May 2d, 2007): 21
Angola ratificou a CQCT? (April 30)
Sabendo-se que o tabaco é um produto nocivo à saúde humana
Camponeses põem em xeque mate política do governo
Em Moçambique consumo do tabaco atingiu níveis preocupantes
Sociedade Civil pede nova postura dos governos da CPLP
Segundo o Ministro da Saúde, a propósito do Dia Mundial da Saúde
Durante 34 anos fumou mais de 24 mil maços de cigarros
Convicção do Dr. Luís Covane, porta voz do governo de Moçambique
Cultivo, Produção e Comercialização do tabaco
Para Combater A Epidemia Do Tabaco
Ratificar A CQCT Para Salvar Vidas Dos Cidadãos
Retirada da concessão à Dimon a favor da MLT
MLT obriga os camponeses a cultivarem apenas o tabaco
Controle De Tabaco Em Moçambique
Explorando um total de 80 mil camponeses moçambicanos
Tobacco industry belongs to developed countries
Legislação sobre tabaco em banho Maria? Por Francisco Cabo
1 em cada 3 moçambicanos sofre de hipertensão (Por Francisco Cabo)
Rendez-vous with Francisco Cabo
About the Mozambique Leaf Tobacco company
Posts by Véronique Le Clézio (May 2d 2007): 5
Maurice à l'atelier de Brazzaville (April 4)
Posts by Adeola Akinremi (May 2d): 3
Tobacco Industry campaign of calumny (February 19) What's the Future of African Tobacco Control Movement? Report on BAT's "Experience It" campaign
Posts for the blog African News/Nouvelles d'Afrique (May 2d) : 28
Tunisie: 9e séminaire de prévention des cancers (April 18) Exonérations fiscales pour un nouveau fabricant de cigarettes au Cameroun Avertissements Graphiques en Français Uganda: Does the Law On Smoking in Public Still Exist? Enquête sur le tabagisme des élèves en Algérie Le cancer est un problème croissant dans les pays les plus pauvres. Une nouvelle marque de cigarettes en Cote d'Ivoire Le cancer en Afrique La culture du tabac en crise au Malawi De quoi meurt le Tunisien? La Sitabac de retour au Cameroun OMS-Afrique et Convention Internationale Petits revendeurs au Cameroun Tabagisme passif en Tunisie La Fondation Bill Gates investit des milliards dans des industries bien peu philanthropiques... BAT and the new law in Kenya Women Testify About Tobacco Farming in Ethiopia and Kenya About the situation in Ghana Promotion of Smoking... Nollywood’s Bad Example Elèves fumeurs à Douala Maroc: Lancement d'une campagne de sensibilisation au cancer South Africa: Taxes Not Laws Stamp Out Smoking Sessions sur le tabac au congrès de pneumologie Namibia: Tobacco Bill Being Drafted As Act of Parliament Ghana: Concern over delay of Tobacco Law South Africa: Smoking Laws Have Tobacco Industry Gasping South Africa: Snuff Out the Smokers Kenya: Tobacco Firm to Offer Bursaries