About the cd idea.
I liked the idea I had (a long time ago) to produce a compilation of best antismoking videos. It was still in the VHS era but we had received funding from the EU at the time (the project was for a Euroepan Videotek we had partnered with a University to do it). Remember that the EU is now funding an ad agency (in partnership with ENSP?) to organize a media observatory (very poorly if you want my opinion) but that field should be occupied actively by Globalink.
Anyway the technical context is different today but I think we could figure out a yearly selection (the idea of collecting the best antismoking videos each year along with the film festival, in fact the advertising industry does organize such "competitions").
Along the each year project we could imagine a "best of" compilation and ask our members to contribute ideas, suggestions, etc.
The copyright problem is a tricky one but the easiest way out is to restrict ourselves (as we do anyway) to private use and educational purpose (nothing commercial). Worse come to worse we just erase the content people don't want to share.
To get bakk to your specific question about a cd with videos I would first collect "classic ones" and recent ones.
Let us first build up the database and then choose from that.
We could definitely start organizing video projection during conferences and having viewers grade/rate the videos so we can sort of figure which ones they prefer (just ot have an idea).
To what extent would the CDC media department be willing to help wby contributing copies of videos they have? The "problem" with CDC is they are very restricted by copyrights but my hunch is we could be much more flexible.
PS: Pascal could ask Emmanuelle Beguinot if they still have in the CNCT's archives a copy of the compilation of videos as it would be much faster for us if we could digitalize this VHS and not have to run after the old movies...
Hi Philippe,
One more thing.
We want to make a CD-ROM to store the repository for tobacco control
counter promotion and community of practice attendant to the needs of
developing countries in which might not have access to the Internet. Can
you organize a list of collection up to date to be put in this CD? FCA
has made one in the COP1 but ours should be more focus on video and audio.Just let me know abstractly what materials should be in the CD-ROM
will be benefiting to them.GLOBALink published a Disc called Best of Tobacco Control like 6 years ago.
In this CD, there were:
The Tobacco Control Reference Guide by David Moyer
Facts, Fights, Questions about Tobacc
Tobacco Control and Prevention : a guide for low income countries by
Karen SlamaTobacco Explained: The truth about the tobacco indistry ...in its own
Originally developed and written by Clive Bates and Andy Rowell(ASH UK)Together Against Tobacco : INGCAT International NGO Mobilization
Meeting, May 1999World Bank Report curbing the epidemic
Articles:Introductions multimedia documents best video clips from California
We want to make a CD so we can bring to conference etc...We can
brainstorm a little bit to see what to put in the CDCheers
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