If you go to to Hermant's blog today you find out that the text overlaps the pictures:
Yesterday I visited my blog and I could not increase the size of the pictures to look at them: when clicking on the picture you were sent to a page in the server but not the bigger sized picture.
Wrong names: the blogs should not be called 'Tobacco Blogs" but -eventually- tobacco control blogs...
Many blogs are in fact abandoned ie have not been updated/used for a long period of time.
It is one thing to keep my blog open as an archive as it contains more tha 600 posts but it does not make sense to keep the blogs open by Ruben while preparing the world conference in DC or the blogs of Veronique and Jackie since their content has been moved to the new blogs or atleast indicate where they are now for the updates... Their place (like for mine) should be in an "archived blogs" section...
Evelyn Fang's blog should be interesting since she is in Beijing BUT... there are 400+ comments on her one post, mostly spam and her text is very "spotty"...
Helen Jackson has only one post and that's the same for Lynn Palmer (1 post one year ago and 6913 spam comments), Maria Paz has only one post from August 2005 (visibly she did not understand how to use the blog format since she is widely posting inside globalink), one post also for Mohamed Ouldsidi (I assume the blog was created for him during a workshop and he never used it).
All those non-functioning blogs (including the two blogs by Ruben) should be -immediately- taken out of the list (archived somewhere) as they are very bad PR : they give a bad image of Globalink as they are clearly non functioning blogs. It is even more frustrating since the many blogs that are functioning well are not listed.
Globalink cannot expect to significantly expand its blog presence without cleaning up its acts.
I understand very well that Harold is overworked, has other priorities to look after but the end result is sort of a sabotaging of the whole blog effort since most of the blogs that are presented in the blog home page are pathetic and out od date.
I don't mind being in charge of the home page for the blogs so that Harold does not have to do it.
Just give me access so I can fix it :)
Otherwise it is like shooting yourself in the foot and not taking advantage of all that has been done that puts Globalink in the leadership position for tobacco control blogs.
It will take less than one hour. Copy and paste the content I have provided
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