Two leaders in the Citizens Climate Lobby, Judy Weiss and Gary Rucinski, a Rabbi and a scientist, update efforts to get a Save Our Climate Act out of committee and onto the radar of citizens.
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PolicyReporter @55: “skeptics” or “deniers” those who present a sound-science basis for their dremgiesaent with the computer models that predict warming.The interesting thing about most of the skeptics and deniers is their preoccupation with a very limited range of the available data indicating climate change.We can all argue about modelling until the cows come home. Models are only ever a simplified construction of what the modellers think are the main variables. They indicate trends, IFF you have correctly identified the dominant variables and their interactions.The bottom line is reality, as Paul Norton indicates @62. Never mind the modelling, what is actually occurring?While the skeptics and deniers work themselves into a lather over the modelling and cherry-picking a few segments of data that support their argument, we can measure climate change happening before our eyes in MANY different fields of science.How long can they stand on their sand castles, cover their eyes, and say the tide isn't coming in, it isn't, it isn't, it isn't ???
Posted by: Rodrigo | 08/04/2012 at 07:53 PM
What a gem :) I found your blog on Google looking for something completely unrelated, and now I'm gonna have to go back and go the archives XD So long spare time this morning, but this was a awesome find.
Posted by: citizen eco dive | 07/02/2012 at 07:56 AM