Making Your Documentary Matter:
Outreach and Impact Strategies that Work
Hosted by American University's
Center for Social Media
February 7, 2005, 1:00-8:00 p.m.
A workshop for documentary filmmakers on how to make outreach and audience engagement part of the production planning of your documentary.Engagement strategies not only make powerful tools to extend the reach and effectiveness of your documentary, they can also be part of your fundraising plan!
Welcome from Center director Pat Aufderheide.
For some of us, it’s not enough to make a great movie.
You need to find the viewers who need it, who will use it, who will change their lives and those of others because they made connections that you helped them to make.
That’s where strategies of community engagement come in.
Increasingly, filmmakers are figuring out that the time to do outreach planning is in the first stages of shaping their project, in the pre-production phase. They are also learning that building community engagement in from the start also creates new funding opportunities as they are making their films.
Learn in this one-day workshop from some of the most well-respected professionals in outreach and community engagement, and find out how their strategies helped great documentaries get made, and make a difference in the world.