Le Quotidien du Médecin évoque une étude selon laquelles l'échographie incite les fumeuses à réduire voire arrêter de fumer.
En savoir plus: un article de 1999 et un plus récent repris par Jean-François Etter and this one (in english).
Ecoutez les 3 minutes de ce podcast du jour.
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Hey Kim:Can't comment on HuffPo, still haven't rteisgered yet (yes, you can yell at me in Chicago).Love the piece, it's dead on. Right now I am cycling between sadness, as I'll miss my boys terribly, and excitement, as, just like you, I don't get 'out' much.Salamander handled things OK this morning (trying to be the 'brave one'.. I'm sure school will get to deal with some anxiety etc issues), Potatey was a mess.Glad to hear you can go to June 4th. Still working on that one myself, but it doesn't look good.OK, off I go to make one more batch of almond flour waffles, cross check my supplement schedule one more time and, yes, then I'll finally start packing..See ya later today/ tomorrow/ sometime during the next few days.
Posted by: Abd | April 13, 2012 at 11:54 PM
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Posted by: ibpbilfyd | November 26, 2013 at 11:40 PM
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