Derek has just posted an answer to the article in Le Monde (in English and in French -pdf-). I wonder how many people who read the initial article will read his answer and how many will be convinced by Derek. There are certainly things to be debated in Stéphane Horel's text but I still think it would have been more effective to engage her before her writing, even with the risk of being frustrated with the end result. I don't 'buy' Derek's argument that the Foundation is transparent because it publishes its annual 990 PF tax forms at the bottom of its financials page (in a pdf format). The information disclosed, he qualifies as 'project overviews" consists of only one sentence description and is totally inadequate to convey relevant information. As long as Derek will maintain this position and this secretive behavior, he will retain zero credibility in terms of transparency. That's too bad because there is no real argument, nor advantage (quite the opposite) to keep things that way. But it looks like Derek does not want to hear the people, even within the THR community who tell him this is inadequate and ask him to change. The end result is a significant and probably growing credibility and trust gap, that is completely self created and inflicted. Why such a self-destructive approach? What prevents the FSFW to communicate frankly, immediately and in a detailed way about the grants and contracts that are awarded, later with what results? Instead of burying them once a year with one line for each in a pdf document? Unfortunately I can only repeat what I wrote previously to no avail about this "false transparency" at the FSFW: "To me, all this is in stark contrast with what Derek himself wrote in his book "Project Unthinkable", page 222: "We will make our case not by asking people to trust us, but through independent oversight, transparency and public reporting". This is not happening. Why?
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