You'll find below a copy of the page that is apparently no longer available about the FSFW's Scientific and Technical Advisory Council, at least I was unable to find it. The Council is mentioned in this document about the HST Agenda.
In the page that disappeared, are listed as members, Ray Niaura, David Abrams, Edythe London, Villoo Morawala Patell, Jed Rose.
In his article of January 2020, Jean-François Etter writes:
The names of members of the scientific advisory council were kept hidden for some time before they were finally disclosed in December 2019. Temporarily hiding these names was reportedly done to protect board members from harassment, but was seen as unacceptable by the experts we talked to.
As far as I am concerned I was unable to find their names on the site (July 27, 2020).
I emailed the 5 persons listed above: Ray Niaura replied he had resigned in January 2020, Edythe London also said she had resigned. Villoo Morawala Patell said she was still a member and "it was not my decision my name was not disclosed". Jed Rose confirmed he was a member. David Abrams did not answer. I also emailed the Foundation but they have not answered either (as of July 31). Is this Council still active, with what members, what are they doing?
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