Laurie David is a producer of An Inconvenient Truth and the HBO documentary Too Hot Not to Handle, both focusing on global warming. She executive produced Earth to America!, a primetime comedy special which earned her a Gracie Allen Award for Individual Achievement. A trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Ms. David founded the Stop Global Warming Virtual March with and Senator John McCain and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
She was the first ever guest editor of the green May 2006 issue of Elle, the first fashion magazine to devote an entire issue to the environment and on recycled paper. Laurie recently published her first book, “The Solution is You: Stop Global Warming – An Activists Guide.” She has been profiled in People, Glamour, Vogue, Rolling Stone Magazine, Elle Magazine, Seed Magazine, Wired, House and Garden, Outside Magazine, The New York Times and Vanity Fair recently called her the “Bono of climate change.” She began her career as a talent coordinator for the David Letterman and lives in Los Angeles with her husband Larry and her two daughters.