It has tried scaring them, ridiculing them, grossing them out and
even making them laugh, but now the Arizona Department of Health
Services hopes it can convince smokers to quit by walking a mile in
their ashdusted shoes via Nick's testimony.
Sergei Ivanov (aka Xgeronimo) is a smoker and a communication consultant. He explains on YouTube why he thinks the frightening graphic warnings are counterproductive and what -in his opinion- could be an alternative and a more effective way to communicate with the smokers. Some of his suggestions at the end of his 9 min presentation are interesting. I certainly can see value in producing positive messages (as he suggests) along the negative ones (he detests).
Splitsecondfilms is a young UK based producing company. WATCH their clip :) (a little slow to download) where the would be smoker cannot light up his cigarette.
This unorthodox anti-smoking campaign takes aim at teens, encouraging making good choices decisions and not mentioning tobacco. WATCH the 3 spots on YouTube. I must admit they do not resonate much with me but I am not the target :) Of course there is also the website. Still...
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