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Christne Nwabuokei

An excellent activity and a good means of communicating the devastating effect of tobacco smoking to health. Teenagers should be allowed to watch the movie without having to pay a dime when is released. Such incentive will help spread the message and hence brings a positive change in teenagers attitudes towards tobacco smoking. Good move and welldone to the director and actors/actresses involved in the movie making.

Christne Nwabuokei

An excellent activity and a good means of communicating the devastating effect of tobacco smoking to health. Teenagers should be allowed to watch the movie without having to pay a dime when is released. Such incentive will help spread the message and hence bring a positive change in teenagers attitudes towards tobacco smoking. Good move and welldone to the director and actors/actresses involved in making the movie.


Great activity really appreciated your work, keep it up.

Robin Maner

It's pretty hard to motivate people to quit smoking, even if you show them graphic warnings of what can happen to their teeth, lungs, and the people surrounding them. Smoking is even banned in movies according to this article found in the link:



Hello. Find your blog at google, and this really interesting :D
what is tobacco

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