Here, is a copy of the famous spot where Johan Cruyff juggles with a cigarette pack. Hopefully the link will not be broken. If it is, go to Youtube and search for Cruyff antitobacco :) you should find another copy.
Maybe. According to this article from the Boston Globe where I discovered the ads that have been airing in New York City had initially been produced in Massachusetts, before the drastic budget cuts in the tobacco control program.
The TobaccoFreeCA site now hosts 8 TV ads from past campaigns but there are no direct links so you'll have to go to the page, until geeks find ways to post them on YouTube :) Showing California's lingustic diversity there are ads in spanish, in chinese, korean and english...
Ronaldo Martinez tells his story in New York city (in english and in spanish) with 4 different TV ads, radio ads and billboards. WATCH 1 (I could not find them on YouTube)
It has tried scaring them, ridiculing them, grossing them out and
even making them laugh, but now the Arizona Department of Health
Services hopes it can convince smokers to quit by walking a mile in
their ashdusted shoes via Nick's testimony.
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