The new paid parental leave requirement was announced in the Microsoft's blog by Corporate VP Dev Stahlkopf with the headline: Paid parental leave matters. Read the interesting comments by Nat Levy in Geekwire, the Seattle Times (Rachel Lerman). Probably more to come (here Olivia Solon in The Guardian). Congratulations to Microsoft's management for moving in the right direction. Now the questions should be asked to other big high tech companies (Google, FB, Amazon, etc): what are your paid parental leave requirements for your contractors? Still unresolved for Microsoft's contractors employees, and it does count: the status of the public holidays (about 10 per year). The public holidays should be additional paid time off coming on top of the 'at least 15 days' presently required, not included within the 15 days of PTO. Organizing a survey of the contractors employees to collect their assessment of their situation would be useful.