The Conference Blog - Taipei
A blog about the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health - Taipei - 17-20 October 2007
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Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific Association for the Control of Tobacco
About this blog's Editor
Day 1 - October 17
Day 2 - October 18
Day 3 - October 19
Day 4 - October 20
How to "conference blog"
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Links Asia
Australia - National Campaign
Australia - New South Wales
Australia - Victoria - Quit
Australia - Western Australia
Hong Kong COSH
Malaysia - Tak nak
International Links
2008 Leadership Blog
2d session Conference of the Parties - Bangkok
American Cancer Society
Association of European Cancer Leagues
Bloomberg Global Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use
Bloomberg School of Public Health - Institute for Global Tobacco Control
Communities Under Siege
Framework Convention Alliance
Gates Foundation - IDRC
Global Dialogue - StopSmokingCampaigns
Global Partnerships - Essential Action
Global Smokefree Partnership
Healthbridge - Canada
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids - Current Grants
Tobacco Control Journal - Blog
WHO - Conference of the Parties
WHO - Tobacco Free Initiative
World Bank - Economics of Tobacco Control
World Conference Tobacco or Health - 2006
International Smoke-Free Links
World No Tobacco Day 2007
WHO Framework Convention On Tobacco Control
European Public Health Alliance
Global Smoke-free Hospitality
Blogs about Tobacco Control
100 motivations pour arrêter de fumer
Antismoking TV ads
Blog da Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo (Brazil)
Blog Mildt - Sélection d'articles quotidiens sur le tabac
Campagne pour des avertissements graphiques
Campaign For Graphic Health Warnings
Campaña NO tabaco - Esperanza Cerón Villaquirán MD
CTFK's Tobacco Unfiltered
Globalink radio - the first podcast devoted to tobacco control
Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (en français)
Quit Smoking
Rendez-Vous - cyberinterviews with TC advocates
The rest of the story - Michael Siegel
Tobacco Control Images
Center for Tobacco Control in Africa (in Kampala)
African Tobacco Control Alliance - ATCA - à Lomé
Algérie - 2017
African Tobacco Control Alliance - ATCA
OMS - Profil de chaque pays
Burkina Faso: ACONTA
Burundi: Alliance Burundaise contre le Cancer
Bénin - Augustin Faton
Cameroun - Coalition Camerounaise Contre le Tabac - C3T
Congo - Célestin Zouma
Cote d'Ivoire - 2017
RDC: Alliance Congolaise pour le Contrôle du Tabac - FB
Gabon: Mouvement Populaire pour la Santé- Thanguy Nzue
Ghana: VALD - Vision for ALternative Development
Guinée - Génération Sans Tabac
Ile Maurice - 2017
Kenya: Institute for Legislative Affairs (ILA)
Kenya: Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance (KETCA)
Mozambique - 2017
Nigeria - Tobacco & You radio show
Nigeria National Tobacco Control Bill
RCA - Profil OMS
RDC - Dr Mateus Sahani - Agir Ensemble- Goma
South Africa: National Council Against Smoking
Sénégal: Ligue Sénégalaise contre le Tabac (LISTAB) - FB
October 2007
September 2007
August 2007
About this blog's Editor
Day 1 - October 17
Day 2 - October 18
Day 3 - October 19
Day 4 - October 20
How to "conference blog"
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India's anti-smoking initiatives was one the widely discussed topics at the conference yesterday.
Asia-Pacific Has Fastest Rise In Children, Women Smoking
Why this blog?
How to "conference blog"?
About this blog's Editor
Day 4 - October 20
Day 3 - October 19
Day 2 - October 18
Day 1 - October 17 - Preconference workshops
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