Thursday, 28 August 2008, from 10:30 to 12:00, Room C
With Doug Bettcher, Laurent Huber, S Subramanian, A Blanco, JG Park, J Samet
Movement for a global treaty to control tobacco: FCTC and beyond
WHO’s top priority: Doug Bettcher
Role of civil society: Laurent Huber
Accelerating the framework convention : Russia S Subramanian
Tobacco control in Latin America: A Blanco
The post-FCTC era: JG Park
Thursday, 28 August, 14:15 - 15-15 Room G
Tobacco dependence and smoking cessation
A randomized controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy for low-income smokers: C. Miller
A cross-sectional study on nicotine dependence of adult smokers in seven cities of China: G. Feng
International lessons learned from stop smoking campaigns: K. Gutierrez
Thursday, 28 August, 15:30-16:30 Room I
Pascal Diethelm, Luk Joossens, M. Potschke-Langer, Tapani Piha, L Sanda
Tobacco control in Europe
Overview of tobacco control policies in Europe and introducing tobacco control scale: Luk Joossens
Is Germany moving? M. Potschke-Langer
The Balkans: L Sanda
Making progress in tobacco control in the European Union: Tapani Piha
Thursday, August 28, 17:00 - 18:30 Room E
E. Blecher (South
Africa), K. Bao Giang (Vietnam), R. Ben Zid (Tunisia), M. Baquilod
(Philippines), A. Ahsan (Indonesia), S. Lutnaes (Norway)
The economic impact of tobacco: myth and reality
Are cigarettes becoming less affordable? Evidence from 78 countries since 1990: E. Blecher
Impact of tobacco growing on the livelihood and health of tobacco farmers, and the environment: K. Bao Giang
Finding alternatives to tobacco growing: R. Ben Zid
Household expenditure and tobacco use in the Philippines: M. Baquilod
The impact of increasing the cigarette tax on the Indonesian economy: input-output analysis 2003: A. Ahsan
Norwegian public funds invested in the tobacco industry: S. Lutnaes
Friday 29
7:30 - 8:15
Challenge your expert on developing tobacco control initiatives L. Joossens Room F
Friday, 29 August, 8:30 - 10:00 Room ABC
Tobacco kills: what's new?
Luk Joossens, Judith Mackay, Richard Peto, Gérard Dubois, P. Jha, G. Fong
Leadership in tobacco control: Judith Mackay
Deaths from smoking: new evidence: Richard Peto
Smokescreens: methods of the tobacco industry: Gérard Dubois
Death, tobacco taxes and governments: P. Jha
Evidence-based tobacco control: G. Fong
Friday, 29 August, 10:30 - 12:00 Room A
Smoke-free policies: necessary, practical, popular
F. Howell (Ireland), S. John (India), S. Ratte (France), A. Blanco (USA), T. Erguder (Turkey), J. Samet (USA)
The price of success: F. Howell
Smoke-free challenges in India: S. John
Lessons from France: S. Ratte
Smoke-free in the Americas: A. Blanco
Expansion of smoke-free work & public places in Turkey under the FCTC umbrella: T. Erguder
Friday, 29 August, 14:15 - 15:15 Room Mont Blanc
Women and tobacco
A. Amos (United Kingdom), E. Quoix (France), B.Zolty (WHO), M.Haglund (Sweden), N. Cronin (Ireland)
Tobacco or equality? A. Amos
Added risks for women: lung and breast cancer: E. Quoix
Second-hand smoke and women: B.Zolty
Tobacco and women as target for market growth: M.Haglund
Friday, 29 August, 15:30 - 16:30 Room Mont Blanc
Tobacco and development: donor's perspective
J. Samet (USA), M. Eriksen (USA), W. Leppan (Canada), S. Asma (USA), A. Yurekli (WHO)
Bloomberg initiative to reduce tobacco use: J. Samet
The Gates Foundation: M. Eriksen
The International Development Research Center: W. Leppan
The Center for Disease Control: S. Asma
Friday 29 August, 17:35 - 17:45 Room E (within session Prevention - from research to practice
Advocacy: Tobacco control, lessons learned by R. Cunningham
Friday, 29 August, 17:00 - 18:30 Room C
Tobacco control policy
H. Wang (Norway), J. King (UK), H. Tran (Vietnam), K. Gutierrez (USA), R. Nakkash (Lebanon), E. Lee (UK)
Norwegian strategy for tobacco control 2006-2010: promising results: H. Wang
funding for tobacco control: the American Cancer Society, Cancer
Research UK and the African Tobacco Control Regional Initiative: J. King
Facilitating FCTC implementation through media personnel support: H. Tran
How to assess advertising ideas for use or adaptation to your country: K. Gutierrez
The key to a combined market: the market access strategy of British American Tobacco in Lebanon: R. Nakkash
Closing all doors: a whole systems approach to preventing links between the tobacco industry and a major cancer charity: E. Lee
Saturday 30 August 7:30 - 8:15 Room H
Challenge your expert on issue of women and tobacco: N. Cronin
Saturday, 30 August, 10:30 - 12:00 Room B
Use of the media to promote and reduce tobacco use
T. Dewhirst (Canada), K.V. Viswanath (USA), G. Hastings (UK), M. Wakefield (Australia), P. Gupta (India)
Tobacco marketing strategies and effective policy interventions: T. Dewhirst
Tobacco in news: K.V. Viswanath
Tobacco in movies and entertainment media: G. Hastings
How mass media campaigns can reduce tobacco use: M. Wakefield
The perspective from low- and middle-income countries: P. Gupta
Saturday, 30 August, 14:15 - 15:15 Room C
Illicit tobacco trade
Luk Joossens (Belgium), A. Yurekli (WHO), D. Campbell (UK), R. Cunningham (Canada)
Illicit tobacco trade: Luk Joossens
Worldwide smuggling & tobacco taxes: A. Yurekli
Incredible tales and tobacco industry stories: D. Campbell
Plain packaging and labeling: R. Cunningham
Saturday, 30 August, 15:30 - 16:30 Room C
Smoking prevention
H. De Vries (Netherlands), A. Szklo (Brazil), L. Qian (China), S. Siregar Soeryakoesoema (Indonesia)
Smoke-alert: effects of an internet-based computer tailoring program for older adolescents: De Vries
and self-perceived health status among light and heavy smokers: the
relationship to short-term fear appeal selected tobacco control messages: A. Szklo
Effectiveness evaluation on school intervention activities of tobacco control in China six cities: Qian
Graphic health warning on cigarette packs: S. Siregar Soeryakoesoema
Saturday, 30 August, 15:30 - 16:30 Room D
Africa, the new hunting ground of the tobacco industry
Y. Saloojee (South Africa), M. Bartal (Morocco), A. Ogwell (Kenya), J. Townsend (UK), L. Kagaruki (Tanzania)
Overview of the african situation. evolution during the last 10 years, current trend and projection for the next 10 years: Y. Saloojee
Tobacco smoking and cancer: the African case: M. Bartal
How the tobacco industry targets Africa’s youth: smoking in African teenagers: A. Ogwell
Tobacco nurtures poverty: African examples: J. Townsend
Resisting the tobacco industry: successes and failures in Eastern Africa: L. Kagaruki
Saturday, 30 August, 17:00 - 18:30 Room E
WHO: The Global Tobacco Control Report
D. Bettcher, D. Ferrante, K. Schotte, P. Petit, A. Peruga
Overview: D. Bettcher
Prevalence data: D. Ferrante
Effective policy data: K. Schotte
Economic data: P. Petit
Capacity building for effective tobacco control policies: A. Peruga
Saturday, 30 August, 17:00 - 18:00 Room G
Mise en oeuvre de la CCLAT (FCTC) en Afrique
P. Diethelm (Switzerland), S. Ratte (France), E.Beguinot (France), I.
Saouna (Niger), M. Hamdi Cherif (Algeria), Y. Martinet (France)
Le rôle de l'industrie du tabac dans les pays francophones: P. Diethelm
Les enjeux et dispositions d'un protocole additionnel à la cclat sur leccommerce illicite des produits du tabac: S. Ratte
Le rôle de la prévention judiciaire dans la lutte contre le tabagisme: E.Beguinot
Les procès en Afrique contre l’industrie du tabac: I. Saouna
Mise en oeuvre de la cclat en Afrique francophone: M. Hamdi Cherif
Sunday, 31 August 10:30 - 12:00 Room A
The treatment of tobacco dependence
E. Gritz (USA), J-F Etter (Switzerland), Martin Raw (Brazil), E. Bianco (Uruguay), M. Aghi (India), D. Fu (WHO), H. Lando (USA)
Introduction: E. Gritz
Latest developments in treatment: J-F Etter
Progress in treatment around the world: Martin Raw
Progress on Article 14 within the FCTC process: E. Bianco
A low income perspective: M. Aghi
WHO new vision for treatment of tobacco dependence: D. Fu
Conclusions and the next steps: H. Lando
Con respecto a EL tratamiento de la dependencia del tabaco: Cuales son a corto plazo, los ultimos avances en el tratamiento??
Cual es la nueva vision de la OMS para el tratamiento de la dependencia del tabaco??
Que conclusiones y/o analisis sacaron??
Cuales son los siguientes pasos??
Posted by: Miss Nancy P. Hachen | August 11, 2008 at 12:41 PM