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« Interview with L'EXPRESS about World No Tobacco Day | Accueil | Véronique Le Clézio is officially awarded the WHO Director General Special Award »

lundi 07 juin 2010


Roy Rouget

Dear Mrs. Le Clézio,

I am currently drafting a new policy for my company – “Smoke Free work Environment” and I would very much appreciate if you can provide me with a list of local NGOs which our staff can contact to quite smoking. I will include these NGOs in the policy. I do not only want that people do not smoke in the workplace but also giving them the right information and encouraging them to quite smoking. Awareness campaigns will be organized and we are committed to help our staff towards a healthier life.

Thanking you in advance.

santé info

IT's healthy that no smoking but it's an hard way to stop.


Dear Mrs. Leclezio

I was very shocked that even though we have laws in our country prohibiting cigarette smoking in public places such as buses and leisure places like the caudan waterfront you have to run way from smokers in every corner.
The law is here now.But do these smokers really fear the law.
Is it possible to have more campaign on TV and refresh the mind of people about that smoking in here is an offence.
Thank you.

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