Creation of Voice of
Bainbridge – Chronology of events – Feb 2003 / Sept 2004
February/March 2003: meetings with BIB (Bob Haslanger) about
the creation of a community radio on Bainbridge. No outcome.
Dec 2003: Drafts of the Earthcom
project submitted in early 2004 to the Brainerd,
Bullitt and Russell Family Foundations.
Feb 2004: Proposal for the creation of Globalink-radio for the International Union Against Cancer
Feb 17: Visit to Voice
of Vashon on
Vashon Island
and meeting with their
engineer, Steve Allen.
Feb 26 2004
Acquisition of a portable digital MP3
recorder and lapel microphone
from PoGo! Products ($ 190)
Feb 27: Application for the KUOW Venture Fund ($10K for 3 months): Earth Series
March 13: Letter to the editor (Bainbridge Review) about a web radio for Bainbridge
March 23: Acquisition of the equipment necessary for the
digital recording of phone interviews
March 31: First
recording of a public event : Story telling at the Bainbridge Library
April 24: First
interview: Glenn Burkhart in
for the book Defending Wild
May 4: Submission to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation pioneer ideas program about the
of digital audio programs
May 6: Visit to the KUOW
Board meeting.
May 13: Memo for the communication directors of
environmental groups about digital audio
May 23: Acquisition of a digital audio editing software (Goldwave) for $40.
May 31: Production of 5 interviews for Globalink-radio for World
No-Tobacco Day
($ 1.000 contract)
June 15: Acquisition of a MP3 CD maker software from Qwerks ($ 25)
June 22: Interviews
of artists Michele Van Slyke and Pegy Brunton.
June 24: Email from
Lisa Renstrom
Chair of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club (National) in response
to my suggestions about how the Club should use digital audio.
End of June: Posting of the first recordings on the new Voice of Bainbridge website graciously
created and hosted by
June 25: Interview of
City Council member Bill Knobloch
July 8: Interview
ti Norman,
Audubon Society
and discussion with Hilary
Hilscher, Communication Director about the
of a pro-environment program including
about birds and bird songs.
July 19: Article about Voice of Bainbridge in the
July 20:
Peterson, ED of Seattle Audubon announces her plans for the
of a 2 min audio segment Bird Note
to be aired on public radio.
July 24: Article about Voice of Bainbridge in the Bainbridge Islander.
July 28: Article about Voice of Bainbridge in the Bainbridge Review.
July 30: Meeting with
Paul Travis
about the elaboration of a business plan.
August 5: Self interview about VoB and the revolution in
August 17:
Lisa Renstrom
asks me to work with the Communications
and Education Governance Committee of the Sierra Club (one of the 6
committees reporting to the Board of Directors).
August 19: Interview with Darlene Kordonowy, Mayor of
August 26: Email contact with Brian Back publisher of the Sustainable Industries Journal (
and the Chinook Book ( about a potential partnership in the
of the weekly pro-environment
September 2: Interview with Paul Johnson, Mechanic with Classic
Cycle, beginning of the regular Biketalk
August 27:
Lin Kamer-Walker
offers to design a logo for Voice of Bainbridge.
August 27: Donors wishing to remain anonymous offer a $300 budget for advertising Voice of Bainbridge’s programs in the Bainbridge Islander sent weekly to all households.
September 2: Proposal to produce a series of programs for ABC (meeting with Charles Schmid). No result.
September 6: Request to the City’s non-motorized
transportation committee for financial support for Biketalk.
No result.
September 7/8: Voice of Bainbridge reports from the Prowalk/probike conference in
thanks to the sponsorship of
Squeakywheels to cover travel expenses (23 recordings posted). Contacts
with potential partners for Bikewalk.
September 9: Meeting with Steven Gilbert PhD, UW professor and KUOW board member about the
of programs devoted to environmental issues and groups.
September 10: Offer of recording and interview services for
the City’s Winslow Tomorrow project.
September 21: Recording of the Community Forestry Commission. Proposal to record a 5/10 min brief
after each meeting.
No result.
September 28: Recording of the second Town Hall meeting for
September 29: Launch of the
Start of the reflexion about combining digital audio with
the blog tools.
October 2: Publication in the Bainbridge Islander of the first
ad for VoB
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