From TF Smeeth, our special correspondent at the Spokane Arena with pictures from Steve Skeels (click on the photo to enlarge).
You can also listen to his radio broadcast live on
Sunday, Mar 6 at 4 PM
on KKNW 1150 AM.
It streams at
Here are his reports for the Bremerton's Kings's West Warriors (23-3) Quarterfinals v. Lind-Ritzville Broncos (25-2) that took place on Thursday.
PreGame Tournament Scoreboard (5 Min.)
PreGame Team Introductions (5 Min.)
KW Warriors v. L-R Broncos, 1st Quarter (18 Min)
2nd Quarter, King's West v. Lind-Ritzville (14 Min)
King's West - Lind/Ritzville Half Time Report (2 Min)
3rd Quarter, King's West v. Lind-Ritzville (14 Min)
KW Warriors v. L-R Broncos, 4th Quarter (22 Min)
Post Game Interview, Coach Rick Walker (3 Min)
Post Game Comments, KW Adam Shildmyer (3 Min)
Thanks for Tuning In!