Green Voices For Bainbridge Island is a new site devoted to environmental issues. I discovered them via Rachel Pritchett's article in the Bainbridge Islander (print) but it is also in her blog: thank you Rachel :)
The Green Voices site includes a very sobering assessment of the total neglect of our elected elected officials and of the people who have been in charge of open space toward parks in Winslow. It's probably because most of them don't live downtown. Disastrous non planning and missed opportunities. A very different view from the usual fuzzy congratulatory articles about the pseudo wonderful work of the open space commission.
I think a blog format would have been better for Green Voices :)
Still time to open one.
As it is now comments are apparently reserved to members. i know membership is free etc. but it is still a restriction... And I did not find on the home page an email contact (but there was one in Rachel's article).