It is frustrating to read about other places taking steps to promote solar energy while the new building is completely missing this opportunity: a sad waste. Although the energy company has a responsibility as it should systematically try to take advantage of large roofs to install solar panels (at its own expense and for its own benefit): after all they do install "solar farms" at their own cost (ie with the money we give them).
The other responsibility lies with us as a community since we did not push for solar panels on the roof, did not lobby the high school nor PSE :(
In France, new companies offer to pay the owners of "interesting roofs" to install solar panels at no cost to the owner and a guaranteed 20 year income. This is possible because there is a 20 year higher guaranteed buy back price from the Energy company (established last year by law).
This system makes much more sense than giving tax breaks to oil companies.
Nevertheless we should require PSE to do much more since their rates (and profits) are largely determined by the tariffs fixed by the legislature.