Walking on Shepard way you can see the sign below about the present work being done on behalf of the Fletcher Bay Foundation..
I googled and found a bit (very little) about the foundation (in care of Glenn Haber) and a bit more about the Moritani brothers and their strawberry farm.
Thank you for keeping as many trees as you can as the developer on the other side has cut most of them. Too bad you could not keep the black berry bushes at the bottom: they used to provide me with a good harvest. If you want to email them (it's too small to be read on the picture it's moritanifbf at hotmail.com).
From Pick a property, make it a park
This former strawberry farm is one of the largest remaining largely undeveloped properties downtown. It borders the Shepard Way pedestrian corridor to the north and the Winslow Way road end to the south. Surrounded by trees, the largely open property has an old house in poor repair and several outbuildings.
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