I would like to voice our concerns about the 87 room hotel project that is proposed. The development will bring a significant increase in traffic, particularly when events begin and end at the same time, causing major backups on a relatively short street length where stop signs regulate traffic. Parking will definitely be a problem since there already is very limited parking in that area and overflow parking from hotel guests and events will move onto the streets. Even though the new plan indicates concerts will be held on a lawn rather than an amphitheater and there will be a 'shell' to supposedly reduce noice, the reality is, when there is a concert that sound will carry throughout much of town. Even the small groups that have performed on the Green can be heard in town and down by the water. I hope these legitimate concerns, not just from me but from the residents of Winslow, will be taken seriously and that more modifications, hopefully to reduce the size of the hotel and the outdoor venue, will be implemented.
Comment Jeanie Johstone
From: Jeanie Johnstone
Monday, May 6, 2019 10:10 AM
Sent: To: PCD
Subject: Winslow hotel project
I would like to voice our concerns about the 87 room hotel project that is proposed. The development will bring a significant increase in traffic, particularly when events begin and end at the same time, causing major backups on a relatively short street length where stop signs regulate traffic. Parking will definitely be a problem since there already is very limited parking in that area and overflow parking from hotel guests and events will move onto the streets. Even though the new plan indicates concerts will be held on a lawn rather than an amphitheater and there will be a 'shell' to supposedly reduce noice, the reality is, when there is a concert that sound will carry throughout much of town. Even the small groups that have performed on the Green can be heard in town and down by the water. I hope these legitimate concerns, not just from me but from the residents of Winslow, will be taken seriously and that more modifications, hopefully to reduce the size of the hotel and the outdoor venue, will be implemented.
Jean Johnstone
May 06, 2019 in a hotel Winslow concerned comment | Permalink | Comments (0)